From my own perspective, sculpture is a branch of arts which is visual. It is the use of wood, ceramics, plastic, glass or stones to create art pieces. In the new era, machines are used to produce sculture but in Ghana, the old method of production is still been employed.
Sculptural pieces are functional pieces which comes in different shapes and sizes. They come in the form of decorative pieces like wall hangings, calving and vases. These artifacts are sometimes in the form of domestic pieces like mugs, plate and pots
This article is geared towards bringing to the lame light wooden artifacts. In many communities, Ghana, it is likely to come in contact with sculpturists using stone in their production, these works survive longer. To make sculpture, one must use the addition and subtraction method. This method helps the piece to be carved out of the wood. with clay sculptures, proving and firing is the method used.
Although sculptural works are beautifully made, many Ghanaians do not patronize them. They either attribute it to spirituality or it being too expensive but less functional in use. Purchasing artworks supports artisans to expand their art business. It begins with you and I to help better the industry.
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